Plant the Seeds We Wish to Grow.
Enjoy a highly participatory gathering of contemplative music celebrating our new growth cycle. Singing together in a circle with acoustic instruments and light percussion, we find the collective voice, in harmony and rhythm. Participants may choose to join in, share a song, or simply listen. Tickets and RSVP: Practice Yoga.

Sing Along, Share Songs, or Just Listen.
Cosmic Butterflies [And A Bear] will hold space, leading a traditional “circle singing” exercise, and hosting the open song circle—your chance to sing along and share songs ancient and new. All are encouraged to participate in a seed exchange, where we will sing and set positive intentions for the seeds, to take home and cultivate in the home garden.
Celebrate Life Singing Together.
Song Circle Agreements: 1) The space is safe for anyone to sing any song from any tradition they are moved to connect with; 2) The singing voice is the primary focus, and so all musical instruments are in service to it; and 3) There is no ultimate ‘right’ way to sing a song, and so we cannot ‘correct’ a song, or a voice.
Event Details
- Time / Date: Saturday, February 8th at 7:30-10 pm
- Location: Practice Yoga Church, 414 W Johanna Street, Austin TX 78704
- Tickets: $30 requested donation: Practice Yoga.
- More Info: See the Facebook Event page and/or contact us directly:
Admission: $30 requested donation. All are invited, although spaces are limited to 40 guests. RSVP.