Music Video New Music

“The Voice” – Music Video

“The Voice” is a highly artistic, experimental, and exploratory song of ours. This one speaks of Source energy’s influence on all of us, beating our hearts, breathing our lungs, keeping us alive and inspired. It is a healing song, inviting listeners to harmonize with the Holy.

In the chorus, we recite an ancient Sanskrit mantra: *“Om-mani-padme-hum,” with infinite interpretations, such as: Behold, the jewel in the lotus; and *“Karuna-hum” means: Compassion is my nature. These words reinforce the reverent nature of this song, presenting a message that radiates and resonates on a heart level.

This song is now available for streaming and digital download: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon… Our complete album Colors Flying is also available for purchase.

Music Video New Music

“To Create The Peace” – Music Video

Track #2 on the debut album by Cosmic Butterflies is “To Create The Peace”. This soothing song brings a warm vibration, peaceful and cozy, for wellbeing in body, heart, mind, soul, and spirit. The video tells the story of a man’s immersion in the outdoors, and its healing potential.

This song is now available for streaming and digital download: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon… Give it a whirl, will ya?